Monday 20 February 2012

Update and Cream of Celery Soup

So I got engaged on Valentine's Day! The bf (now he's just f, but I'm not going to call him that)
He bamboozled me, I told him that it was a really cheesy thing to do to propose on V Day and he agreed, and then he did it! I came home and made him his favorite dinner and he gave me a beautiful ring he designed himself.
I'm very very happy, and what better way to bring me back down to earth than to start my wedding day diet again.
I bought this book in a charity shop ages ago because I'm weak! I can't help collecting sets of things, and already had the Winter Puddings Cordon Bleu book, so you know... I've never cooked from it because it's so dated. Dated how, you ask? This celery soup is thickened with roux, cream and egg yolk, to make it luxurious? Cooked celery doesn't have that much flavour, so all you're left with is thick, mild chicken stock that's slightly green.
Look, I put it in my fanciest bowl and it's still very uninspiring.
But I'm engaged! I'm walking around on clouds, from now on I'm only making positive comments. So this soup is perfect to give for dinner to someone who likes their food quite plain. I like spicy food, so sometimes it's hard for me to empathize with people who don't, but now I can at least have them round for a meal. Serve with one plain piece of white bread.

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