Tuesday, 28 December 2010


I feel like I've been running around like a lunatic for the last couple of weeks, Christmas this year has been a real pain to try and organize. As usual we went to the boyfriend's mum's for Christmas Eve and had an amazing dinner I didn't help prepare at all. Capon and roast vegetables, lots of cheese and a load of booze. I've never seen a capon before, and assumed it was just a big chicken, but it's actually a castrated rooster, and is apparently illegal to breed them (well you wouldn't be able to anyway, would you, wink wink) in the UK, but it is legal to sell them, so most capons come here from France, where they're a big deal for Christmas. Delicious, tastes just like chicken.
We finished the meal with the pudding I made a month ago. The boyfriend is really funny about his pudding, he threw some kind of a diva strop when he found out that I hadn't put any currants in it - he's the only person I know who actually looks forward to the pudding at Christmas. I was in the kitchen with his mum and she quietly suggested that maybe here was too much food already and we could save the pudding for New Year's, well, anyway, somehow he heard her from the other room and put a stop to that little plan. It was worth it, I'm really being sold on the pudding agenda, it was delicious.
The next night, on actual Xmas, I went to my parents house, and we had a ton of smoked salmon each, and then ate the other pudding in the living room, whilst watching this film.
Perfect xxx

1 comment:

  1. Boyfriend comment... I love Christmas Pudding and will not hear a bad word said against it. This particular unorthodox example was great. It's simply not Christmas dinner without the pud!
