Monday 14 November 2011

Best drinking game ever!

I thought I was a real pro at drinking games, I had me the Deborah Meaden (watch Dragon's Den, take a drink every time Deborah says 'I just don't understand it'), the Nigel Slater (watch any one of his shows, take a drink every time it sounds like he's talking about sex. This one will put you in a coma, it's chronic, this is him talking about rhubarb "It comes easily if you pull it"), the electronic scale (pour a drink and put it on the scale, you and a partner have to take exactly 10ml sips until the drink is gone, whoever comes closest wins another drink); but this is the best, I'm so excited I can barely keep my pants on (do you drink with your pants on? la-di-dah, look at Mr Fancy), you type in what you're listening to and this site tells you what to drink! I tried with with some really obscure bands and it's pretty knowledgeable. Truly a game changer in the world of drinking.


  1. It's heh, fun, but abit too random. Typed in Frank Sinatra, got a bottle of merlot with a cherry on top. Really? I would have thought whiskey or a whiskey based cocktail. Typed in Lucia Pamela, got 1oz of Marijuana. Heh, bottoms up.

  2. Trying to figure out who you are based on your music choices...
